Whales Cove Mussels: All you need to know!

Cooked Whales Cove Mussels

       Whales Cove Mussels | Conchas de Piedra.

Driven by a passion for sustainable aquaculture, Sergio embarked on a pioneering mission: cultivating high-quality shellfish in the pristine waters of the cold California Current, off the coast of Baja Mexico. In 1991, we became pioneers of the first Off-Shore Mediterranean Mussel in North America. Suspended in the open ocean, the mussels experience the rich nutrients of the California Currentโ€™s.

To grow our mussels we use special ropes made from biodegradable materials or synthetic fibers. The ropes are suspended in the water, allowing mussels to grow in the wild in a nutrient rich environment with plenty of phytoplankton, their primary food source. The Rope Grown method provides optimal growing conditions, such as good water flow and light, which are crucial for mussel health and rapid growth.

Mussel farming Rope Grown method

Rope Grown method

After 8 to 12 months, our mussels reach market size. The ropes are hauled up, and the mussels are removed and taken to our packing plant to be cleaned and packed.

The rope grown method requires no feed or fertilizers, as it relies on natural food sources in the water. Our mussels are grown on ropes at a depth of 30 meters in the ocean, keeping them clean and away from the sand on the seabed. This method maximizes space and minimizes predation and disease risks, leading to a more uniform product quality.

Rope Grown Mussel | Whales Cove Mussels .

Whales Cove Mussels spawn in winter but are available all year round. They average between 2.3 and 3.2 inches in size and boast larger, full shells packed with tender, delicious meat. With a touch of sweetness balanced by the clean, fresh aroma of the sea and a buttery texture, Whales Cove Mussels have been consistently sold to restaurants for over 32 years.

We have mediterrean mussels for sale! Visit our socials to get more info about our Whales Cove Mussels:


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